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- Sysop's Note: The person being interviewed here wishes to withhold
- the last names of the witnesses. I have been acquainted with "David"
- for almost two years. He has told me that he is a pilot and that he
- has had at least six UFO sightings.
- ---
- 01/27/94
- MC = Mike Coyle
- DJ = David
- MC: Why did you go to the area of the sighting?
- DJ: OK, well I was visiting with a friend which I try to do
- periodically. He has seen some bizarre things out there. So
- we happened to be going around looking at the sky. Actually
- talking at that time about what he had been seeing recently.
- MC: You were walking where?
- DJ: He's on a farm, his place, right next to the windmill farm.
- It's real close to Bird's Landing (CA). Maybe a mile or so
- away, in the Fairfield area.
- MC: How far is that from the edge of Travis Air Force Base?
- DJ: Oh I'd probably say fifteen, twenty miles at the most.
- MC: So your friend has been seeing strange things flying over his
- house?
- DJ: He has seen some really big things hovering over his house and
- strange things in the back of his place.
- MC: How does your friend know you?
- DJ: I have known him through a mutual friend for several years.
- MC: Your interest in each other was originally not about UFOs? You
- just knew him and as time went by he had these experiences of
- with things flying over his house?
- DJ: What's right.
- MC: And then he told you about it? So you decided to go out and
- see if you could actually see one?
- DJ: Yes, and I wish I had my camera with me.
- MC: Why didn't you have a camera with you?
- DJ: I wasn't really expecting to see anything there. I have brought
- cameras there before but we never saw anything when I did.
- MC: So you have actually gone out there before to try to see these
- objects and seen nothing?
- DJ: Yeah, he told me about this stuff, and I said, "God I'd love to
- get a picture." I said, "Why didn't you get a picture? You've
- been out there so long?"
- MC: How many times have you gone out there to look around?
- DJ: Maybe five or six.
- MC: So then you finally saw one? What was the day, date and time of
- this sighting?
- DJ: In the evening, maybe around eight or nine, after dark. It was
- about two months ago. I can't recall the exact day. Chilly,
- clear, a slight bit of fog, it was almost like, in fact he had
- mentioned this before, he had seen a kind of fog come up around
- there where they where doing some of their stuff back there. He
- was of the opinion they there putting out a fog field to make
- it hard to see.
- MC: So you were in his house and you decided to go walk around his
- property?
- DJ: Yeah, we were inside and decided to go out and walk around
- because he's got a lot of animals. Then we saw something come
- by and it was stranger than most planes would be because it
- had so many lights on the front. At first I just looked at the
- lights because they there so bright. They were kind of amber
- colored, more of a whitish amber and there was a whole row at
- a "V" angle.
- MC: When you first spotted it what direction where you looking?
- DJ: I was looking over towards Travis Air Force Base area from
- Birds Landing, so I guess that would be east.
- MC: In what direction was the object moving?
- DJ: It was moving from south to north.
- MC: Was it coming right at you or was it moving across your line
- of sight?
- DJ: It was moving across my line of sight, a few hundred yards
- away up in the air. We were just to the west of the windmill
- generators. There are some hills to the north. So the object
- was over the hills. As it came over I could see it pretty well
- and then it banked. It was going slower than a plane could
- have flown as far as I could tell because it was too low.
- MC: What was it's approximate altitude?
- DJ: I'd say approximately five hundred feet. When it banked it
- banked at a very extreme angle, like over forty five degrees.
- MC: When you first spotted it how far away did it look?
- DJ: A couple thousand feet away.
- MC: How large did it appear to be?
- DJ: It looked really pretty large, about the size of a, but not
- quite as big as, one of those huge transports.
- MC: Like a C-5?
- DJ: Yeah, but it was a little smaller than that but possibly as
- big as a 747. I thought it was a bomber at first but it was
- going to slow for how low it was. And then all those lights
- on the front. I have never seen planes with a whole row of
- lights.
- MC: You say it was going slow, near stall speed for a plane?
- DJ: Below stall speed for a plane. Especially when it stopped!
- It just hovered. At first I couldn't really see the shape
- because it was a dark color but the lights were so bright
- that you could tell when it flew over that it was a
- triangular shape, a perfect triangle.
- MC: And your friend was with you during this? Would you like to
- give his name?
- DJ: Yes, he saw it. His first name is Terry.
- MC: What was his reaction to this?
- DJ: He said, "That is the exact same thing I saw over my house.
- It looked like the size of a football field."
- MC: How high up in the air did he think it was at that time?
- DJ: He thought it was fifty to a hundred feet above his house.
- This was on another night. He said it was huge and it just
- sort of hovered there for awhile and then it left.
- MC: Say there is some kind of operation going on out there with
- unidentified aircraft. He is very close to it. Has he ever
- been approached by the Air Force? Or had any contact with
- other authorities?
- DJ: I don't think so. He's never mentioned anything.
- MC: He's never made any reports to the authorities on his own?
- DJ: No.
- MC: Why not?
- DJ: He pretty much knows they're up to something.
- MC: And he doesn't want to bring any attention to himself?
- DJ: Exactly. He doesn't feel it would make any difference. He
- talks about it freely but he would never go to the government.
- MC: OK, so, you say it was traveling south to north and as the
- object got over Travis it hovered?
- DJ: Well more over, actually it was behind, a hill when it started
- hovering but what seemed to be on the other side of the hill,
- was probably some more of those windmills, or least it was
- nearby. It certainly was directly adjacent to those windmills.
- MC: And then what happened? Did it start to land?
- DJ: Actually, it went over a couple of times before it landed. It
- just flew over and banked and turned around the other
- direction. I think it even went behind the hill so we
- couldn't see it for awhile. The first time I saw it I don't
- think it landed or even completely stopped. It just slowed
- down and banked in a extreme bank and that's when a could see
- there were three, sort of glowing, round openings at the bottom.
- I would guess they were some sort of propulsion system. There
- was one at each point of the triangle. Up to this point I
- really couldn't tell what the shape was other than it was a
- triangle.
- MC: When you say triangle, what type?
- DJ: Equilateral.
- MC: So it didn't have a acute angle shape like the new stealth
- bombers or stealth fighters.
- DJ: No, it was perfectly symmetrical.
- MC: So it would make it look much more squat than one of the
- stealths, rather than swept back?
- DJ: Yes, that's right. And then after it came back the second time
- it was hovering at that point. And then it did the most bizarre
- thing. I was trying to see what the overall shape was because it
- was kind of hard to tell with those bright lights on the front.
- Then the bright lights went off. At the same time these
- incredibility bright strobes where lining the edge of the
- triangle. And what it looked like was two platforms which were
- triangular in shape. The lower one had strobes all the way
- around the triangle. Then the upper part, it was maybe ten or
- fifteen feet above the lower triangle. There was a second
- platform which was also triangular shaped and it had more
- strobes. When the strobes went on, they weren't all going on
- at the same time. The strobes on the bottom would alternate
- with the strobes on the top. So it was a real rapid, maybe
- three, four or five times a second. Flashing back and forth
- between the upper part and the lower part. It only did that
- when it was hovering, about to land.
- MC: And then it started to descend?
- DJ: Yeah, then it started to descend and descended all the way
- behind the hill. The reason I could tell it was alternating
- the strobes is that when it began to descend behind the hill,
- the one section, the lower section, was behind the hill and
- the upper section wasn't, then the rate of the flashing was
- half as fast. Finally it dropped completely behind the hill.
- MC: So at this point it was hidden from your view? How far away
- was it then, when it went behind the hill?
- DJ: Probably a couple, maybe three hundred yards.
- MC: So it was off of your friends property?
- DJ: That's right.
- MC: Do you know what property it is? That's not Travis Air Force
- Base is it?
- DJ: No, I think it's either an open field or is part of the
- windmill farm.
- MC: It was only three hundred yards away but you didn't go towards
- it?
- DJ: No, because it would have required going through a field with
- lots of bushes and a few fences and...
- MC: Has your friend ever seen one of these things land in that
- area before.
- DJ: Yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure he had said that he had seen
- them land back there but he had never seen the area where it
- landed.
- MC: He has never gone in back of the hill?
- DJ: No, I don't think so.
- MC: Are there any public roads going through that area?
- DJ: It's kind of isolated from the other roads in the area. When
- I go there again I am going to try to check that area out.
- MC: OK, so it went down behind the hill. Then what happened?
- DJ: It sounded like large amounts of equipment were off loading.
- Like trucks, jeeps, sort of like a whining sound like a large
- truck.
- MC: But that is just supposition on your part, right? You could
- not actually see anything at this time, right?
- DJ: Yes, just the sounds of heavy machinery. It sounded like
- large geared type machinery.
- MC: How long did this go on?
- DJ: That lasted for maybe ten minutes and then it took off again.
- MC: And then the object rose up from behind the hill?
- DJ: Yeah, except I don't think it went straight up this time. I
- think it went up at more of an angle. It didn't go up quite as
- high. I believe it was going north again. And it went pretty far
- north. There are some more hills so I couldn't always see it.
- Then it turned back around and came back and landed at that
- same place again and it "off loaded" some more stuff but this
- second time it was a longer period of time. More like twenty or
- thirty minutes.
- MC: When it made the loop and came back, how big of a loop was it?
- DJ: Hard to say because I didn't have it in view the whole time.
- MC: When it came back to land the second time was it in the same
- position it was in, the first time?
- DJ: Yes, it made the same maneuver again with the lights blinking.
- Then sounds of a lot of activity and then it took off again
- to the north and that was the last time we saw it.
- MC: Did it go away fast? Did it go away slow?
- DJ: Fairly slow.
- MC: So it rose up and moved off slowly to the north at low altitude
- until you lost sight of it?
- DJ: Yes, it made some noise but it didn't sound at all like a jet
- engine. Like that whine sound. It was more like a "shsssss",
- or a slight roar. It wasn't very loud.
- MC: OK, when it went away, then what did you guys do?
- DJ: I'd almost forgotten about this part, but all this time, in
- addition to fact that we were watching this thing. When we
- first saw the flying object, we saw some sort of weird thing
- coming through the field and we both, I'm trying to remember
- at what point that happened, but I know at some point,
- possibly even before we saw the flying object for the first
- time, he thought, and I did to, we saw what looked like a
- skinny creature. Tall, but not real tall, like a child height.
- MC: How far away?
- DJ: It was out in the field and more coming from the north. To
- the right of where it landed. That area was a long fence line
- that went back towards the windmill farm. Maybe a hundred
- feet away. It was real dark and I was having a hell of a time
- telling if I was seeing anything. It wasn't moving much. What
- ever it was it was very still. And we were kind of scared and
- I, then we started paying attention to the flying object. We
- were scared. He was saying, "I see something." I said, "I
- think I see something to back there." Then I heard this weird
- thing talking. It was like the sound of a child. When something
- like that happens and you don't expect, at night in an empty
- field, to hear a child laughing and playing. Sounds of a child
- talking. I thought was that an animal? What is that? It was
- like something walking. I mean what ever the voice was, it
- was moving. But I really couldn't see it. So we both tried to
- kind of look at it. Tried to find it again. He keep claiming
- he could see something and I couldn't see anything at that
- point. It was too dark and too shadowy to really tell. Let's
- put it this way, if that thing hadn't been there I would have
- seriously considered walking down the fence and around the hill
- and walking back to the other side. But whatever it was, I got
- the clear feeling that either they were sending something to
- watch us or warn us away. Whatever it was it kept us very
- effectively from going back behind the hill.
- MC: So then you went back to the house? When you got back what
- time was it?
- DJ: Yes, it was probably about 10:30 pm.
- MC: I guess you probably discussed this at length in his house?
- DJ: Yes.
- MC: Did you tell anyone else about this?
- DJ: I told a couple of people I know. A couple of friends.
- MC: Does Terry have animals on the farm?
- DJ: Yes.
- MC: Dogs? Where they with you during the sighting?
- DJ: Yeah, I remember when we first started looking at it, to see if
- there was something in the field, the dogs were barking at
- something.
- MC: Did they approach it?
- DJ: I think one of them did run back there. Like it was going
- after an animal.
- MC: They didn't try to attack this thing you saw walking around?
- DJ: No. They didn't seem to have any interest.
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